You're right, the CAT® driverless mining truck has transferred 1 billion tons of material!

1 billion tons, what concept? The equivalent of the weight of 125 million adult elephants! How do CAT® driverless mining trucks do this “heavyweight” material transfer? That starts with the CAT®MineStarTM system.

CAT ® MineStar TM, True Star!

As an integral part of Caterpillar's intelligent mining technology, the CAT ® MineStar TM system helps customers manage material tracking, fleet maintenance, and equipment through five intelligent modules: fleet, terrain, detection, health and command. Driving and other aspects. Through the use of sensors, on-board lidars and radar systems, CAT® unmanned mining trucks are available 24/7 in all mines around the world, delivering 1 billion tons of safe materials to customers.

CAT®MineStar TM system

Caterpillar deployed the first six commercial unmanned trucks in 2013 and now has more than 150 vehicles, helping nearly ten mining companies transport iron ore, copper and oil sands.

No need to worry about "injury" with the automatic transportation system

Sean McGinnis Caterpillar technology R & D Co., product manager: "CAT®MineStar TM (mine Star) automated transportation system (CAT® Command for Hauling) has proven its value to mining customers which is reflected in Caterpillar. The speed of the driverless team in achieving 1 billion tons of transportation. The increase in truck productivity and utilization, stable operation and cost reduction have brought great benefits to mining companies. Their fleet has grown rapidly and production has continued to increase. ”

Automatic transport system ( CAT® Command for Hauling)

With a shipment of 1 billion tons, how many kilometers does a CAT® driverless truck drive? The answer is: nearly 35 million kilometers. Thanks to the CAT® automatic transport system, truck operation is no longer an error, and the demand for mine staff is greatly reduced, so there is no need to worry about downtime caused by an accident.

Automatic transport system ( CAT® Command for Hauling)

I started doing this more than 20 years ago.

The development of CAT® driverless mining trucks began more than 20 years ago. In 1996, Caterpillar first launched the first unmanned mining truck at MINExpo.

Michael Murphy, Principal Engineer, CAT®MineStar TM, said: “Caterpillar used GPS guidance technology very early on, and we have succeeded in many applications. At the time, Caterpillar focused on developing automated building blocks. These technologies are now core capabilities of MineStarTM, enabling operators to operate remotely, semi-autonomously and autonomously.”

CAT® driverless mining truck

Still working hard...

Currently, CAT® driverless trucks are operating in Australia, South America and North America. In Australia, a fleet of 70 CAT® unmanned trucks has significantly reduced productivity while increasing productivity by 30%. After the process is improved, it is possible to further increase production efficiency.

CAT® driverless mining truck

Today, the CAT® driverless team consists primarily of CAT® 793F trucks with a payload of 227 tons. Truck model range is also expanding, Caterpillar has been developed and is being deployed unmanned CAT® 797F (363 Dun payload) and CAT® 789D (181 Dun payload) trucks. (This article is from Caterpillar)

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