I. Mineral characteristics
Bismuth is known as "green metal" is known, widely used in medicine, cosmetics, industrial pigments, catalysts, f…
For large-scale new heap leaching projects, feasibility studies are required to carry out technical scheme selection and economic effect evaluation. The existing production mines use a heap leaching process to reduce production costs. Projects that improve economic …
6 reverse belt granulator. Figure 6 shows a steeply inclined conveyor belt granulator that feeds ore at the upper end. The speed of the conveyor belt attempts to send the ore to the top of the conveyor belt, but the steep slope of the belt causes the ore to slide.
…There are currently 44 aluminum producing countries in the world. In 1998, the world's primary aluminum production was nearly 22.5 million tons. These aluminums were produced by electrolysis. Since the birth of the electrolysis method, the…
DuPont was founded in 1802 and is named after its founder and famous chemist. The company started production of explosives, and later continued to expand the field of chemicals, chemical and invented many new products, so far the world's biggest chemical company, main pro…
Soviet Dzhezkazgan copper mining depth of 100 ~ 300m. The ore body is 3 to 35 m thick and has a dip angle of 5 to 15 degrees. From gray sandstone roof and major red sandstone, partly by s…
Molybdenum is a strategic non-renewable mineral resources [1], its excellent properties, are widely used in iron and steel, chemical, military, electronics, computer, bio-medic…